Refugee Relief Fund

Hamdard Health Alliance has been providing a healthy start for refugees since 1992, and remains committed to delivering the high-quality, accessible healthcare services that all people deserve, regardless of their legal status or ability to pay.

By supporting our Refugee Relief Fund, you will help continue that legacy and provide direct, essential assistance to those in search of new beginnings.

A Legacy of Open Doors

Hamdard is the Urdu word for “one who empathizes.” For nearly thirty years, Hamdard Health Alliance has opened our doors to refugees from around the world, including Bosnia, Iraq, Guatemala, and now, Afghanistan. We provide a safe, welcoming space where individuals and families will find a trusted partner committed to building healthier, more inclusive communities in which everyone can thrive.

A More Hopeful Future

By making a contribution to our Refugee Relief Fund, you will ensure the most vulnerable among us receive the personalized care and support they need to get a fresh, healthy start on their journeys to a more hopeful future.

$25 supplies essential hygiene and wellness products

$50 purchases one week’s worth of nutritious food

$75 covers the cost of a mental health consultation

$150 pays for one primary care visit and health screening

$500 ensures access to a specialty care appointment

Yes, I am ready to make a life-changing gift!


Use Your Network

Not ready to make a financial contribution, but want to help in a meaningful way? You can also support our Refugee Relief Fund by starting your own Peer-To-Peer fundraiser. Click the link below to raise money for refugees from your own network of friends and family via email and social media.

Want to learn more about Hamdard Health Alliance?